
Points (nPt/PtPt) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Darkening or lightening of the face, ears, and extremities, much like a siamese cat.


Rixixi Points by magmatixiRixixi Primal Points by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Points by magmatixi

  • Points must be darker or lighter than the base coat.
  • It has no restriction on edge hardness.
  • Points should cover two specific points at minimum - the points include the head, the tail, the front legs, and the back legs.
  • The points should touch the very end of whatever zone they're in. They should at least reach up to the ankles if covering the legs.


Torte 0003 by magmatixiRaccoon 0031 by magmatixiIsikhala 0039 by magmatixiLula 0041 by magmatixi


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